What a week it has been! We traveled up to Fairbanks on Monday for a
Zone Conference on Tuesday. We stopped off and Santa's house to show Elder Semadeni so that was awesome. There was a pretty cool miracle on Monday that happened. We were playing ping pong and pool at the Institute building for P-day when a member from the YSA branch came walking in and asked us if we had any dinner plans for that night. We didn't because we were 2 hours away from our area so she took us to McDonald's with her less-active dad. It was pretty cool because even though we were so far away from our area the Lord still puts people in our path to talk too. Anyway on Tuesday we had a really great Zone Conference. The spirit taught me a lot and gave me a lot to work on. We had our Stake President speak to us and he said something that
really hit me. He said, "you are only as spiritual as you are humble." That is something I really need to work on it's being humble and knowing Father in Heaven enough to trust him.
Everything will work out as you put that trust into the Lord.
Oh and just to make my dad jealous, we had home made Butterfingers ice cream topped with a home made chocolate sauce made with chocolate from Madagascar!!! All over my body!!!! That was some dang good ice cream! Anyway back to the pot luck, we also had a pot luck because one of the coolest families of all time are moving to Burley Idaho. They have lived her over 35 years! The Wrigley family is just the best people around! There son Steven who has Downs syndrome is the nicest guy I've ever met! I will miss his big hugs and joke! It's okay though because we will be like neighbors in Idaho.