Hey Everyone,
Okay so first off this week was awesome because we were so blessed to meet and hear from President Nelson himself! It was so awesome to be able to drive up to Anchorage and meet an Apostle! So when we first got there, we were all in the gym waiting for President Nelson so we could take a picture with all the missionaries. While we were all waiting we started to sing called to serve and we thank thee oh god for a prophet. It was pretty cool to do that. When he walked in you could just feel the presence of an Apostle, it's hard to describe. After the picture we all lined up to shake his hand and man oh man that was so great to look him in the eyes and shake his hand! As he was sitting there on the stand the spirit was so strong and was just testifying to me that this is a prophet of the Lord a true spokesman in these latter days. We heard from some amazing General Authorities. Elder Murphy from the 70's and Elder Gong from the Presidency of the 70's, both gave great talks. The thing that touched me the most out of their talks was the love I felt for my mission President who is about to go home in a few weeks. It was amazing to hear his final testimony to all of us. I felt nothing but pure charity from him. After all of their talks President Nelson spoke to us and it wasn't what I was expecting. He went straight to the scriptures and started talking about the different meaning the Bible gives in Hebrew. It was super awesome! It made me realize that I haven't even scratched the surface of what the scriptures really are all about. There is so many meanings. He spent a lot of time talking about the "great I am" in the scriptures. Oh and one of my favorite things he taught us was the different meaning of repent, it means to "breath different". I love that definition of repentance. The two biggest things that struck me is in the middle of his talk to us he stops and asks his security guard to come up and speak to us about his daughter going on a mission. It was crazy to see how in tune he is with the spirit. It was obvious once the security guard started to talk to us that he really needed to speak to us. That was such a great example of always following the promptings of the spirit because it was really great to hear from him telling us how our parents feel. After he was done President Nelson went over D&C 31 with us and it was amazing! I got a ton of cool insight but the thing that was the biggest was, we are promised these amazing blessings for a short time so don't waist it. I know that this church is lead by true prophets and inspired leaders! This weekend has made my testimony grow of that fact so much. On Sunday we had a special Stake Conference with Elder Murphy and he talked about faith and their is a difference in "faith" and "Faith" think about it ;) anyway it was one amazing weekend that I surly will never forget!
Love you guys and have a great week!
Gotta go catch them fish 🐟
-Elder Barney
-Elder Barney
Me and my Grandson (its a mission thing) |