Hope you all had a great week! This week here in Alaska was a fun one. We traveled a lot this week. We drove to Fairbanks on Thursday and had a hand off lesson with some of the Elders up there. Then we spent the night with our awesome Zone Leaders and had Zone meeting the next day. Zone Meeting was a lot of fun and I learned a lot, like every zone meeting. Fairbanks was a great time. On our way back to Delta Junction we stopped off to have interviews with our President in North Pole. Yes there is a North Pole in Alaska and yes Santa's house is there. It's a cool place. All the light poles are candy canes. Its pretty legit. I haven't been there to often but we are planing on going up for a pday next week so that will be fun! All and all that trip was awesome and a lot of driving but I don't mind because Alaska is so beautiful. That was definitely the highlight of my week!
-Elder Barney
Zone in Anchorage / Delta Junction Area |