What up everyone!
are either on an island or a different country by our selves so when we get together it's a party! Oh and also we got to go see the mission dedication spot where they said the prayer to dedicate Alaska for missionary work.
On the way back to Skagway I asked the pilot if we could fly over the glaciers because it was a beautiful day. It was a bigger plan then usual but he did it and it was beautiful. I will send a picture of the inside of the plan. We were in the back. Anyway the drive back to Skagway was really amazing as well! I fill so lucky to serve in a place like this! It sure grows my testimony seeing these sights that God is real and is great!
On Sunday we went with some members to a tiny town in the Yukon called Carmacks.
It was super small and cool. We also went to the village out there. There are some members who live there so as they home taught that family we started tracking to see the response of people and it was all pretty positive.
Then once we got back to Whitehorse we got a interesting phone call from a lady who has been researching the church online and wanted to learn more so yesterday we went right over and gave her a Book of Mormon and set a return appointment so that is pretty exciting because we have eeally been trying to focus on finding. It goes to show this is the Lords work and we just need to trust
in him and do our part. So this week was pretty great if I have to say so myself!
in him and do our part. So this week was pretty great if I have to say so myself!
Well have a great week everyone!
-Elder Barney